Jalle Jungnell invald i Hall of Fame!
Att introduceras i World Curlings Hall of Fame, är den finaste utmärkelse, vid sidan av mästerskapsmedaljer en curlare kan få. Utmärkelsen symboliserar att en person har gjort ett enastående bidrag till curlingen, antingen på isen eller vid sidan av, genom att utveckla sporten.
Den 31 mars annonserade World Curling årets invalda i Hall of Fame och däribland svenska Jalle Jungnell som säger:
Att få denna otroligt ärofyllda utmärkelse gör att jag får nypa mig lite i skinnet. Jag känner mig överväldigad, men mycket stolt och glad.
Såklart vet jag ju att det finns väldigt många engagerade och duktiga människor i curling cummunityn som förtjänar denna hedersbetygelse väl så mycket som jag, men nu blev det jag och då gläds jag över det. Speciellt glad blir jag av att som första rullstolscurlare få denna utmärkelse tillsammans med världens högst meriterade spelare, Sonja Gaudet, med sina tre Paralympiska guld.
Men så klart så bleknar ju alla utmärkelser i perspektiv till det öde som drabbat, den i Hall of Fame också invalde, Thomas Ulsrud.
>Läs mer om Hall of Fame Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Jalles bidrag till curling, i Sverige och i världen
Jalle nominerades i båda kategorierna, builder och athlete, för hans stora bidrag på och av plan inom rullstolscurlingen. Läs hela nomineringen nedan och ta er tid att både gratulera och tacka Jalle för hans stora engagemang till curlingen under många år.
Nomination of Jalle Jungnell for World Curling Hall of Fame
As an athlete, Jalle has represented Sweden successfully in a total of 114 international games, with two Paralympic bronze medals and two World Championship silvers. He has been awarded the Sportsmanship Award a total of three times and has been a role model for wheelchair athletes since the game started.
As a builder, Jalle has played an important role internationally, as well as nationally. He has been a part of the development of wheelchair curling, since the first ever clinics in Cranz Montana in 2000. There, he was with the group that tried out the sport and spent days working on how to develop the game and also create the rules.
In Swedish Curling, Jalle has served on the board of our national association from 2014 until October 2023. His contribution to the sport of curling, and especially to wheelchair curling in Sweden has been crucial, both to the growth and international success that we have seen in the past 10 years.
Jalle have also been involved in the Swedish Paralympic Committee as a delegate from Curling on meetings and is personally elected as president of the nomination committee for the Paralympic Committee, electing the members in the Paralympic Committee which nominates the actives to be selected for the respective Paralympics.
From the board of the SCA, he has been leading a working group focused on wheelchair curling and through this, has built a support program for our clubs and our active curlers. The contribution has made a big difference to our national development. Starting with only two wheelchair curling teams and one championship every year, to now having ten teams in national competition, two national championships, a national tour holding three events every year and yearly national training camps.
What defines Jalle as a builder of the sport, is that he always asks the important questions before the board or working groups make decisions. His mantra has always been to avoid short cuts and sometimes make the difficult decisions in order to stay true to our foundation of values and on track towards the long term goals. He has made sure that wheelchair athletes are always considered and represented in our work.
Finally, he always brings a positive perspective and a drive for action and development. His contribution has been invaluable to our organisation and to the sport of curling.
Publicerad: 2024-04-10